
  1. 尤芳达 教授
  2. 徐式宽 副教授
  3. 李翠敏 副教授 

尤芳达 教授

Email: eweht@utar.edu.my / hongtatewe@gmail.com
Website: http://staff.utar.edu.my/eweht/



  • 中学毕业于槟城钟灵中学。
  • 1992年荣获马大电机工程系一等荣誉学位。
  • 1994年荣获麻省理工学院电机工程与电脑科学硕士学位。
  • 1999 年荣获多媒体大学博士学位


  • 在美国麻省理工学院深造期间,曾任该院助教及研究助理。
  • 1994年回国后,于马大工程学院担任讲师。
  • 1997年5月始任多媒体大学工程学院讲师,及先后任资讯工艺学院副教授,院长与多媒体大学副校长(学术)等职。
  • 2008年9月始在拉曼大学任教,现为拉曼大学副校长,主管学术发展与国际化,并为吉隆玻校区理工学院教授。
  • 他的研究领域为微波遥感,感应器网络,互联网科技和卫星图片处理等。
  • 曾得多项国内外奖项,包括2005年马来西亚十大青年(学术成就及领导)奖等。



徐式宽  副教授

Email: skhsu@ntu.edu.tw




  • 台湾大学 农业推广系学士 (1988)
  • 美国伊利诺大学香槟校区 教育硕士 (1990)
  • 美国伊利诺大学香槟校区 教育博士 (1997)


  • 伊利诺大学高速电脑中心(NCSA)研究助理 (1995-1996)
  • 美国路易斯安那大学拉法叶分校助理教授 (1997-1998)
  • 台湾大学师资培育中心助理教授 (1999-2006)
  • 台湾大学师资培育中心副教授 (2006迄今)
  • 研究领域为教育科技、师资培育、学习与教学
  • 曾主持国科会奖助及教育部委托之大型教师资讯融入教学状况调查计划



李翠敏 副教授
Dr Lee Chwee Beng

讲题:The role of technologies in meaningful learning  


  • Bachelor of Arts, (National University of Singapore, Singapore)
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Education, (Credits) (NIE, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
  • Master of Arts (NIE, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
  • PhD, Learning Technologies (University of Missouri-Columbia, USA)


Dr Lee Chwee Beng is an Assistant Professor in the Learning Sciences and Technologies Academic Group at the National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University (Singapore). She obtained her BA from the National University of Singapore in 1997, MA (IDT) from the Nanyang Technological University in 2002 and her Ph.D. (Learning Technologies) from the University of Missouri-Columbia. Chwee Beng is currently the Assistant Head of Learning Sciences and Technologies Academic Group at the NIE.
Chwee Beng is responsible for teaching pre-service teachers how to harness technologies to foster meaningful learning. She also conducts master level courses in the area of instructional design, task analysis, technologies as cognitive tools, cognitive foundations of the learning sciences and research methodologies for the learning sciences.
Chwee Beng’s research interest is in the area of problem solving, technologies as problem representations, metacognition and conceptual change and she has published several journal articles in these areas. She is also interested in designing and building computer-supported environments to enhance learning. Chwee Beng is currently co-editing an academic book on how to foster conceptual change using technologies.


As we progress into the digital world, our education landscape simultaneously undergoes rapid and tremendous changes.  To equip students with the skills and knowledge that will enable them to develop into effective independent, creative, and lifelong learners to cope with the influx of changes, schools must ensure that relevant experiences are provided. Among the resources to facilitate this aim, technologies play a vital role. Technologies may catalyze a renaissance in teaching and learning. However, to harness the accordance of technologies and to create powerful learning experiences for students, educators and teachers must clearly develop a deep understanding on what encompasses meaningful learning. In this presentation, I will discuss the various aspects of meaningful learning and the roles of technologies in the designing of meaningful learning experiences.